
Here Are The Best Shooting Ranges In Kenya

A shooting range is basically an area where people go to hone their shooting skills, whether for professional reasons or simply as a recreational activity.

One doesn’t need to be a licensed gun holder to visit a shooting range, though some areas are strictly limited to licensed gun holders.

If you fancy the thrill of shooting guns and want to learn how to, the numerous shooting ranges in Kenya will cater to that. Below is a list of the best ones to visit;

1. Kenya Regiment Rifle Club (KRRC)

The KRRC is one of the most popular shooting ranges in Kenya, seeing that it’s open even to unlicensed gun holders and children as well. However, Only children above 14 years are allowed to participate

It is located inside the Sailing Club in Langata, a suburb in Nairobi’s outskirts.

Experience the thrill of watching trained marksmen fire guns, and learn how to, starting with the most basic weapons.

Entry charges are Ksh. 1000 for children and Ksh 2000 for adults, and a further Ksh 2500 is charged for 50 rounds of ammunition. Earmuffs to cushion you from all the noise are sold at only Ksh 100

2. Bamburi Rifle Club (BRC)

Having been operational for the past 48 years, the BRC is one of the oldest shooting ranges in the country.

Located in Bamburi, it is the only open-air shooting range in Mombasa County, so if you’re in the area and looking to hone your skills, make a stop here.

It only opens its doors to licensed gun owners who happen to be both ordinary civilians and the who’s of the who’s in the area. Children interested in learning how to shoot have to be 14 years and above, and safety is guaranteed at the hands of qualified instructors, so you need not worry.

3. Kirigiti Shooting Range

This facility located in Kiambu is another popular shooting range and is your go-to place if you’re looking to join the National Gun Owners Association.

Only licensed gun holders are allowed entry, and children above 14 years can enter the shooting area but under close supervision.

Grab a chance to participate in shooting competitions, or get treated to expert and novice shooters participating in friendly shoot-out games.

The facility doubles up as a training centre, charging Ksh 3000 per hour. Safety is a top priority of theirs, ensuring that both participants and spectators are cared for.

4. JCK Shooting Range

Located inside the Jockey Club of Kenya along Ngong Road, this shooting range is excellent should you wish to train as a shooter, or simply learn how to handle your firearm safely.

The venue is just opposite the golf course, in a serene environment where you can go about your activities without distractions. They open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 in the evening and only allow licensed gun holders to participate in shoot-out sessions.

5. Ammodump at Kwenia

This venue in Magadi at the heart of Kajiado offers you an excellent place to retreat to, away from noise.

The expansive lodge features a modern shooting range that adheres to stringent safety precautions, giving you the chance to practice shooting in a safe way. The range varies from 50m, 100m, 300m and 600m, so you get to choose according to your level of prowess.

Entry to the shooting range is Ksh. 1200 per person, and you pay extra depending on the firearm you choose. Ammunition is paid for separately, with the price ranging anywhere between Ksh 3400 to Ksh 4600.

6. Nanyuki Sports Club

Established in 1921, Nanyuki Sports Club is located in Nanyuki, and is a popular retreating spot for locals and visitors due to their high-end services.

Part of their amenities includes an outdoor shooting area that has seen renowned marksmen participate in shooting competitions.

Training sessions are conducted as well for licenced gun holders, and trainees are at liberty to choose a firearm to practice with.

7. Kedong Shooting Range

Located in Naivasha in the Kedong Ranch, this shooting range is perfect for both training and recreational activities.

The outdoor shooting space features both an 800m and 1.5 km shooting range, as well as a shooting tower that is five storeys high, giving you the thrill you need as you aim for the target. A shooting house is also present for indoor shooting activities.

Participants should be licensed gun holders, and are at liberty to either bring their firearms or use the ones at the facility.