
The Best and Fun Things To Do In Lodwar

Located at the heart of Turkana county, Lodwar is the biggest town in the Northern part of Kenya and perhaps the most underrated tourist attraction centre in the country.

It is mainly inhabited by the Turkana people, a subgroup of the plain Nilotes of Kenya. 

When people hear of Northern Kenya, it’s quite commonplace to dismiss it as arid, hot and with nothing pleasing to offer. We would all rather choose the beaches and gleaming waters of Malindi and Lamu for vacations, but if you’re looking for something different for a change, Lodwar should be first on your bucket list.

It’s simply a combination of both terrestrial and arid ecosystems that culminates into one beautiful scenery.

Dusty Roads In Lodwar

The roads up north can get a little bumpy, so you’ll need a steady ride for this trip. The temperatures get really high during the day, so make sure to pack suitable clothing and don’t forget to hydrate.

Now hold tight as I take you through the list of places to visit in Lodwar and the fun activities to engage in while there. 

Visiting Lake Turkana

This is the only lake located in the area and its surroundings, and stunning does not even begin to describe the place.

It is formerly known as Lake Rudolf and is the largest desert lake in the world. The site is quite stunning with a stretch of 249 kilometres with its crystal glistening waters, it’s simply a must-visit for everyone.

With the searing temperatures, swimming in the waters will actually be a necessity, not to mention fun, although the lake isn’t that deep, so you need not worry about drowning.

Various kinds of fish are found in the waters, like the nile perch, although the lake is very saline, so it’s hardly considered a fishing ground.

It also possesses unique features such as a green colour due to the presence of algae, leading to it being fondly called the Jade sea.

You don’t want to miss the sunset view at the lake, especially if you’re one of those hopeless romantics, it will have you stunned to the core, that view of the orange horizon meeting the blue-green colour of the waters. 

Lake Turkana National Parks

If you think that Lodwar has little or no natural vibes to offer, then you’re absolutely wrong.

Lake Turkana National Parks is a set of three parks; Sibiloi National park, Central and Southern Island Parks.

The three parks ooze different species of flora and fauna, making them the ideal stopovers for game drives.

The animals include zebras, antelopes, monkeys, giraffes and gazelles, and the feeling of seeing them live and at close quarters is simply exhilarating.

Whatever one park lacks is abundant in another, you’ll actually be spoilt for choice. So unique are the sites that they have been named World heritage centres.

The Central Island is home to a rare breed of crocodiles estimated at about 14000, you don’t want to miss the rare sight of seeing the crocodiles basking in the sun and hunting for fish in the waters. 

Koobi Fora Archaeological Site

Lodwar and its environs bear unrivalled evidence about the early existence of man, and if such historical details stir euphoria in you, the Koobi Fora archaeological site should be on your bucket list.

It is home to the remains of the Homo Erectus, a fossil believed to be close to two million years old and was found around lake Turkana in the 1970s by a team led by Richard Leaky.

The remains are well-preserved in the museum, and should you need a little history class, the guides will be more than ready to indulge you.

Koobi Fora is also home to ancient plant fossils that you might want to see. The terrain around the site has jagged rocks that make it ideal for hikes that will give you unbeatable views of Lodwar and the surrounding areas. 

Visiting The Loima Hills

This is the highest Highland in Lodwar and the larger Turkana county. The Loima hills are a spectacular sight in the aridness of Lodwar and are covered in thick dense forests and vegetation.

Hiking up the hills is definitely the first activity you should engage in, so make sure to bring the ideal shoes for that.

The hills are quite manageable even for beginners, and the view once you get on top is simply stunning, don’t forget to take pictures and stock up on the memories.

If you’re looking to get lost in nature, unwind and rejuvenate, you should trek on one of the nature trails in the forest.

Fun Things To Do In Lodwar

The chirping birds and clean, crisp air is a good break from chaotic town centres and hectic work schedules and will help you reorganize your thoughts.

It’s ideal for solo walks since the place is hardly crowded, and also perfect for group therapy to bond over good times and memories. 

Stopping by River Turkwel

This is one of the rivers that drain into Lake Turkana and is ideal for sightseeing, being the only perennial river in Lodwar.

Watching as the currents swell and listening to the rush of passing waters is therapeutic, and I don’t have to mention how the background would be perfect for a photo session.

Should you wish to do something more thrilling, you could try a few sporting activities such as rafting, where you venture into the rough water currents using an inflatable raft.

It’s quite dangerous, though that’s part of the thrill if you’re an adrenaline lover. For the beginners this could be a little too much, you’ll need a guide for you to get through.

The searing temperatures will have you wanting to cool off, so swimming in the river isn’t a far-fetched idea. Watch out for crocodiles though, they are extremely effective predators.

Angling is also highly recommended at the river, which basically is using a rod to catch fish. The river is home to different aqua species, so don’t be surprised if you get a good catch. 

A Necessary Turkana Culture Tour

The Turkana people are known to be ardent cultural holders, you’ll be in for a treat if you happen to interact with any of their traditions.

Start with the most basic thing, such as riding a camel. They practice pastoralism, and in their search for greener pastures, they use camels as a means of transport, not to mention that the roads are rather impassable and quite dusty.

Well known for their meat-eating culture, you wouldn’t want to miss a ceremony that includes feasting on slaughtered cattle.

The simple way they prepare it and make it tasty using different locally sourced herbs will have you shell shocked.

Their hospitality and togetherness is really something to be admired, you’ll actually be surprised by how culture binds its people together.

Lake Turkana in Lodwar

Their ceremonies too are something else, from initiations to traditional marriages, it’s intriguing watching them come together to celebrate their major and minor achievements, with men smearing red ochre on their heads and faces and the women donning different jewellery, and the climax being huge feasts.

Basket weaving is one of the favourite pastimes for Turkana women, and they do it with the impeccable skill that will have you amazed by their prowess.

You can have one of the women teach you the skill if it interests you, or simply tip them and take home some of their wares. 

Making a Stopover at Eliye Springs Resort

This fantastic resort is located along the shores of Lake Turkana and is the perfect spot for winding down after a tour of the Northern part of Kenya.

Its strategic location gives guests an unbeatable view of Lake Turkana, not to mention the magnificent view as the sun goes down.

Imagine the orange hue of the sun setting as it meets the green colour of the lake, the combination is simply spectacular.

Eliye Springs Resort is located about 50 kilometres east of Lodwar town and is your go-to place if you’re looking for a place with a touch of modernity and luxury with a combination of subtleness.

The prices might dent your pocket a little, with a room going for about USD 310 a night, and you get to choose between a single room, double or have your own sleeping tent.  All worth it though, with the resort’s top-tier services.

Their amenities include a pool for you to unwind in the waters and cool off a little. There’s an on-site restaurant with chefs that possess top-notch culinary skills to make any dish of your choice.

A spa and wellness centre located within the resort is ideal for flexing your muscles after a long period of back-breaking tasks.

For those who wouldn’t mind indulging a little, their bar has you sorted out with every assortment of drinks, though a little responsibility would go a long way. 

Once you finish your tour of Northern Kenya, Eldoret and Kericho are other incredible towns to visit in the Rift Valley, or you can also take a detour to Western Kenya and experience Kakamega.