
The Best and Fun Things To Do In Amboseli

Amboseli National Park is a nature haven found at the heart of Kajiado County.

If you are looking to retreat for a few days, be away from people and the monotony of routine, enjoy a high level of peace and serenity and come back feeling rejuvenated, then this is just right for you.

Interacting with nature at its peak by sightseeing, seeing wildlife up close and experiencing the ultimate wild is what you need for a good holiday.

The place is family-friendly, and group activities would thrive here, as would a solo retreat, so feel free to do either.

You can get to Amboseli via air transport, either using the airport in Kajiado or the airstrip in Magadi then drive to Loitoktok.

If you really want to enjoy your trip then drive to the place. The roads are well maintained and with little to no traffic snarl-ups, so you can comfortably drive as you engage in spectacular sightseeing activities along the way.

The drive will be nothing short of enjoyable. Below is the list of activities to engage in at Amboseli.

Go on a game drive

The Amboseli National Park is home to hundreds of animal species, so going on a safari tour tops the list of activities to engage in.

Specifically known for its long tasked elephants, you will be awed seeing the animals in proximity.

Along the way, you will encounter other animals such as the big five; lions, elephants, buffaloes, rhinos and leopards, cheetahs, antelopes, gazelles, and zebras, the list is endless.

Things To Do In Amboseli

With every animal you encounter, the wardens will give you interesting details about them and their characteristics.

The best time to go on a safari tour is early morning or late evening, this way you are able to spot many animals in their natural habitat, either getting up or retreating to sleep.

At this time the weather is usually chilly so bring warm clothing with you.

Nothing spices up a good story than when backed up with photos, so be sure to have a good camera and take lots of photos to show when you go back.

Stop at the Observation Hill

Bearing a pyramid-like shape, this is the highest point within the park, and the only area you get to stop and have short walks during your game drive.

Climbing the hill is an engaging task, but you get rewarded with scenic views once you get on top.

The stunning Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak is the first thing you will see. Its snow-capped peaks, even from a distance, are quite breathtaking.

If you wish to dine in the wild, then this is the place just for that. Picnic tables are set up where you can sit, and indulge in your delicacy as you get lost in the surroundings.

The sunset view is most spectacular from this spot, you might need your sundowner for this.

For the most intriguing views of the plains, lakes and features within, bring binoculars and have up-close views without necessarily being near the place.

Go on guided nature trails when the sun is not too hot and sample different plant species.

Visit Lake Amboseli

The lake has been in existence for thousands of years and is responsible for giving the park its name.

A huge part of the lake is found within the park and only a small part stretches outside.

This lake is seasonal, and the water is very alkaline so no fish would survive here.

Lake Amboseli

However, it is a haven for different breeds of flamingos and other birds that flock to the place, painting it different shades of colours, mostly forming a pink carpet.

Occasionally, animals invade the waters to cool off the searing temperatures, so don’t be surprised to see elephants and other animals trooping towards the lake.

When the place is teeming with water, there are nice spots to cruise the waters on a boat ride as you engage in bird-watching and sightseeing activities.

Visit the Selenkay Conservancy

Owned by the local Maasai community, this conservancy was started with the sole aim of preserving land and conserving wildlife.

Previously, the Maasai’s opted to use the land for farming hence driving away any wildlife present.

After seeing how counterproductive their scheme was, they decided to turn their land into natural habitats for wildlife, and the conservancy has become one of the most renowned projects in Kenya.

Gradually over the years, the facility has seen the return of many animals such as elephants, giraffes, antelopes, rhinos and zebras.

Visiting the place gives you the opportunity to go on epic game drives. You also interact with the Maasai community, quite an interesting lot, and learn new things about their tradition and ways of life.

Going on nature trails is something you should definitely try, as you get lost in the serenity of nature and breathe in the fresh crisp air.

The terrain at the conservancy is ideal for small hiking expeditions, helping you to physically engage.

Along the way are some wonderful spots for sightseeing, looking at Amboseli National Park and the larger Kajiado area.

Stay at the Ol Tukai Lodge

Over the years, this lodge has amassed several accolades for its hospitality and top-tier services.

Located at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, this lodge is truly a haven of sheer beauty and splendour.

If you are looking for accommodation facilities with top-notch services then this tops your list.

Looking for a romantic place to retreat for your honeymoon or a weekend away with your loved one, then look no further.

Ol Tukai Lodge in Amboseli

The rooms are strategically placed to overlook Mount Kilimanjaro, so the first sight you see once you get up is the breathtaking snow-capped peaks.

On a good day, you might spot elephants roaming around from the comfort of your room.

A swimming pool is available, teeming with blue waters inviting you to cool down with the searing temperatures.

The chefs here possess top-tier culinary skills and specialize in both local and international cuisines, which will have you spoilt for choice.

Indulge in different delicacies, including traditionally cooked meat, that will leave you craving more. Sit on the terrace as you watch the beauty that lies beyond.

Order any drink that you want from any of their two bars, fully stocked with a different assortment of drinks, all you have to do is simply enjoy your stay.

Ride on a hot air balloon

Touring the park on a game drive is thrilling, doing so on a hot air balloon is next-level exhilarating.

Best done in the early morning, catch stunning views of the sun as it shines in its golden hues.

From high up, you get to see different animals roaming the park in their natural habitat, looking for food.

Spot herds of elephants, and see the long-necked giraffes reaching out for food.

The ride is so smooth as you feel yourself slowly drifting away, the morning cool breeze on your face, and before you know it, you are high up in the sky.

Looking at the stunning Mount Kilimanjaro will look so surreal as you draw closer to it.

Breakfast is served in different delicacies as you enjoy the splendid views, quite a way to start your morning.

The staff are very friendly and hospitable and will engage you in informal conversations throughout your trip about the entire ecosystem.

The balloon seats a maximum of forty people, from age zero to ninety, and the prices vary depending on where you ride from, but range from around 415 USD to 450 USD per person. For children below 12 years, the prices go lower than that.

Visit the Manjaro Tented Camp

For the ultimate wild experience, try putting up at this facility. Located next to the Kimana Gate opposite the Sentrim camp, this haven is the best way to interact with nature.

Accommodation is offered in tents, either in single or double rooms, going for 120 USD a night and triple rooms going for 180 USD a night.

It is described as a five-star facility due to the splendid services that they offer.

The tents are clean, big and well-aerated to ensure you get nothing short of comfort during your stay.

The staff is very friendly and respectful and will even explain the history of the ecosystem and the different animals that you get to see.

Upon your request, game drives can be arranged for you to see different animals at close range.

They specialize in different local delicacies, some traditionally cooked, so you get to have the real African experience.

Sit by the bonfire at night, warming up and listening to stories from the staff as you sip your favourite drink, with nothing filling the quiet night but the chirping of crickets and the occasional grunting of elephants in the distance.